Our Defaqto 5 Star rated Buy-to-Let product is a fully flexible landlords insurance policy with high levels of cover, multiple add-on’s and very competitive premiums.


Quotes can be created in seconds, and cover is provided instantly via our quick and easy online system.

Why choose Uinsure Landlord Insurance for your clients?


Defaqto 5 Star Cover - this rating indicates that our product provides quality cover and includes a comprehensive range of features and benefits.


Using our new landlords' compare tool, you can compare our brand new 5 Star rated Landlord Insurance product against other policies on the market.


The Uinsure landlord policy features a buildings cover limit of £600,000, £15,000 contents cover and £2,000,000 landlord’s legal liability provided as standard.


With cover available from just £10.50 per month and the ability to reduce premiums with our price beater facility, our rates have never been better!


Our standard policy already includes a wide range of comprehensive benefits. However cover can be extended further to include optional extras like:

  • Let home emergency cover
  • Landlord's legal expenses cover
  • Rent guarantee cover


As you'd expect from any 5 Star policy, our customer services and claims team are based right here in the UK and are ready to help with any claim or query.

With no adjustment or cancellation fees, you can be confident that your clients will be well looked after.


Specialist Buy to Let Insurance is essential for anyone who is renting out their property. Our Buy to Let Insurance provides peace of mind to your clients by protecting their home and possessions from loss or damage.

The product has been specifically designed for the Buy-to-Let market and offers cover on a bedroom rated basis (meaning we offer a high sum-insured and don't ask for a specific re-build value), with add-ons such as Landlord Legal Protection (that includes Rent Guarantee) to complement the product’s coverage.

Product Highlights

  • £600,000 buildings cover as standard to cover against damage such as fire, storm, subsidence and theft.
  • There is no need to calculate the re-build of the property, mitigating the risk of both under and over-insurance.
  • £15,000 contents cover as standard to cover landlords' content, including white goods (such as fridge/freezer & washing machine), furniture (such as sofas and beds) and furnishings (such as curtains and carpets).
  • Loss of rent or alternative accommodation up to 20% of the building & contents sum insured
  • Loss of metered water or oil up to £1,500
  • Cover included for the new owner when selling the property until the sale is completed
  • Accidental Damage to underground pipes, tanks and services you are responsible for
  • Trace and access cover up to £5,000
  • Landlords Legal liability as owner up to £2,000,000 per property
  • Liability for your Domestic Employees up to £5,000,000
  • Third party financial interests can be noted provided we are informed
  • All tenant types considered, including cover for students, DSS and asylum seekers available.

Cover can be extended to include:

  • Accidental damage cover - When selected we will replace items you or your tenants accidentally damage (up to the sum insured).
  • Malicious damage cover - If you are unlucky enough to have a tenant who damages your property we’ll cover the cost of repair (up to the sum insured).
  • Landlords' legal cover - up to £25,000 to cover the costs of any legal proceedings relating to your rental property. For example, to cover the cost of evicting tenants.
  • To protect you in the event that your tenant fails to pay their rent
  • Let Home Emergency cover

More Than One Property

When a client has more than one property, big savings can be achieved by combining these properties into one portfolio Insurance policy, with one monthly premium and one renewal.

These policies are available via our Commercial & Non-Standard Referral service that have direct access into a panel of specialist Buy to Let Insurers and will handle all aspects of the quotation, sales and compliance process.



Let Emergency Cover

This covers emergency work of up to £1,000 per incident with no annual maximum. Any number of incidents can occur with a rented property at any time of day or night. A Landlord needs to know that they can call on a service to rectify the issue as soon as possible with minimum disruption or inconvenience.

If the policyholder pays annually this will cost £54.00 per year / £4.50 per month. If the policyholder pays monthly this will cost £60.48 per year / £5.04 per month. Monthly policyholders are subject to 12% premium funding.

Emergencies covered include:

  • Boiler or heating system breakdown,
    • In the event that your Boiler cannot be repaired, this policy will also pay you a £500 (inc VAT) contribution towards to cost of a replacement
  • Failure of electrical power, water or gas supply
  • Burst water pipes or a blocked toilet
  • External locks, doors or windows which have either failed or been damaged
  • Overnight accommodation if the property is uninhabitable

What is not covered?

  • Where you have not serviced the boiler in line with manufacturers recommendations within 12 months prior to the emergency
  • External toilets, taps, overflows and pipes which do not risk internal damage
  • External Windows, Doors and Locks on garages or outbuildings
  • Internal doors, glass or locks and window locks

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible for a Uinsure Landlord Insurance policy, your client must be able to agree to the following conditions:

  • The walls of your property are built from brick, stone or concrete (excluding prefabricated concrete).
  • The roof of your property is built from slate or tiles.
  • The roof of your property is no more than 50% flat.
  • The property is not above/attached to a commercial premises.
  • The property is not to be used as a holiday home.
  • The property is not to be used for business or professional purposes, other than clerical work undertaken by your tenants.
  • The property is not left unoccupied for more than 30 consecutive days.
  • Your property will be maintained in a good state of repair.
  • Your property is not undergoing (or scheduled to undergo) any building work.
  • Your property is free from a history of subsidence, heave or landslip and has not shown any signs of movement.
  • To the best of your knowledge the property has no history of flooding.
  • You have never undertaken preventative measures to limit flooding.
  • You have not had special terms imposed by your insurer, or had insurance declined, cancelled, refused or declared void.
  • During the last 3 years, you have not had more than three claims or losses relating to a buy to let property or had any claim or loss relating to a buy to let property costing more than £1,000.
  • You have not been convicted or charged for any offence or have any prosecution pending (other than a motoring offence).
  • The property is protected by a smoke alarm
  • You have never been prosecuted for breach of any health and safety act regulation or any legislation relevant to the business of letting property.
  • You have not been subject to bankruptcy or insolvency orders which are either outstanding or have been discharged for less than 5 years.
  • You do not have any unsatisfied County Court Judgements (CCJ’s).
  • You are permanently resident within the United Kingdom.

Policy Documents and Marketing Material

  • Customer Facing Overview Booklet

  • Uinsure Buy to Let Policy Wording

  • Buy to Let Portfolio Flyer

  • Data Capture Form

  • Let Home Emergency cover - Customer Facing Flyer

  • Landlord Legal Expenses and Rent Guarantee Cover


Client Contact Details

Should your client need to speak to customer services to check or amend their policy, they can do so by calling 0330 102 6047.

If a claim or possible claim occurs this must be reported as soon as possible. For claims under Section 1 - Buildings, or Section 2- Landlords Contents, please call the claims line on 0344 412 4276 and quote the policy number.

Customers who have purchased Let Home Emergency Optional Cover and wish to make a claim under this section should call Legal Insurance Management Ltd on 01384 884 040.

Customers who have purchased Landlord Legal Expenses & Rent Guarantee Optional Cover and wish to make a claim under this section should call Legal Insurance Management Ltd on 01384 887 580.